Frank Cho Donates Spider-Gwen Money To House Of Ruth Charity


                                                         Frank Cho: Spider Gwen donation check

First and foremost, I want to thank all my fans and decent strangers who stood with me and supported me throughout the week. You guys and gals are the reasons why common sense will prevail over knee-jerk overreaction.

There are things you need to be outraged about. There are things you need to rally against. There are things you need to call out and fight with all your might. But an unpublished drawing of a pretty fictional woman by an artist to show to his fans on his website is not one of them.

The outcry over my drawing by the misguided few is nonsensical and simply stupid. It is an outcry over an imaginary slight, and an outcry of the desperate who want to make a name for themselves in the industry. It was fascinating, amusing and appalling to see the overzealous critics of my art use faux outrage to air their personal demons and imagined injustices in the world. I can’t stress enough what utter nonsense and a waste of energy this whole event has been.

There are many real problems that deserve the attention and effort this make-believe scandal has unfairly received, problems I want to help fix. I’m going to use the publicity generated by this Spider-Gwen drawing and create something positive out of it by showcasing one of the more deserving charities – House of Ruth, a charity that helps battered women and broken families find safe haven in this world of threats and violence.

I am donating the money generated by my Spider-Gwen drawing to House of Ruth, a real charity that deals with and solves real problems.

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