FRANK CHO Frankenstein pen and ink
I didn’t get a chance to work more on the Frankenstein piece. Marvel has been keeping me very busy with one exciting projects after another. However, I did manage to find some free time to finish the woman’s dress, and start on the Frankenstein figure in the background.
Some of you are asking which pens I’m using on this illustration. As always, I’m using Micron Pigma pens. I’m using two sizes, 08 for thick dark lines (Frankenstein’s jacket) and 01 for light area (Frankenstein’s shirt). I haven’t figured out what to use for the black curtains. I think I’ll use a brush and tweak it with Pigma pens.
One of the dangers of doing these long tedious, highly detailed illustration is rushing through it, especially when you’re more than halfway finished. This is when most of the mistakes are made. If you get the urge to rush it. It’s best to walk away and come back with a fresh eye and calm energy.
Hopefully, I can finish this by Sunday. Knock on wood.
–Frank Cho